

I used to fly for a living but have retired a little early. When I touched down in Singapore inbound from Sydney during December 2013 I had a weird premonition that it might be my last flight in command. It was.

was finally diagnosed with MND/ALS during January 2015. ‘Stuff happens, sometimes it happens to you’. We count our blessings and move on, at least that’s how I have conditioned myself to face this pesky complaint.

The Flying Soup Dragon identity is a light-hearted salute toward aviation, my diet and a mild fascination with the mythical creature. Teenage memories play their part of course.
I have been using the Mac since the 90s, but I’m not partisan, PCs are pretty cool these days. I’m excited by Assistive Technology’s potential to improve lives, particularly where disability and education are concerned.

Discussing how the disabled might exploit an ability to automate many operations on the Mac using a slew of different applications provides an opportunity for me to learn. I can also share my discoveries, scratch a writing itch and hopefully provide leads for my fellow MND/ALS ‘travellers’ to read across. This being the case I will try to keep explanations accessible to the layman. Rampant geekery tends to confuse and discourage those new to Macs or disinterested in the more technical side. Incidentally, I count myself in the latter category. I enjoy Macs for the creative tool they are, coding and the other deep and dark arts leave me reaching for a good book and a half glass of good sipping wine.

Please comment at will: suggestions, inspiration and observations welcome.


Clanger inspecting soup

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Norman, what a great idea to set up a blog about your experiences. I would be interested to see how good the eye-tracking software actually is as I am sure many people would like to try it but maybe are unsure where to start or what might be available?
    Also, maybe a list of Apps that you and your followers have trialled could be shared on this blog?
    I can help in researching the apps if you like, just let me know where to start.
    Best wishes,


    1. Thanks for the note, I have tended to assume that readers have a base understanding of the Mac but are not well immersed veterans, or for want of a better word, ‘geeks’. I will have a good think how best to incorporate your suggestion as soon as my new glasses arrive and the eyetribe comes out of its box.


  2. Hi Norman,
    It is a awsome idea to set up this website to help , I’m not sure if you know but my daughter is a special need diagnose with a form of PDD , very active and lots of autonomy ,however , I am always rwsearching new idea to occupy her busy brain !
    We are all on Mac
    Best wishes


    1. Hi Sylvie, thanks for the comment, I had no idea your daughter had these challenges to deal with. She sounds very motivated! Glad to see you’re all on Macs – I had better get writing then LOL


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